
Austin News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Travis County’s student body comprised mostly of Hispanic students in 2023-24 school year

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Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath (2024) | Ballotpedia

Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath (2024) | Ballotpedia

Hispanic students comprised the most prevalent ethnic group in Travis County schools in the 2023-24 school year, according to the Texas Education Agency.

Of the 188,169 students attending Travis County schools, 51.7% were Hispanic. White students were the second largest ethnicity, making up 28.3% of the total enrollment.

In the previous school year, Hispanic students also made up the largest ethnic group in Travis County, comprising 51.2% of the student body.

Mott Elementary School had the most even distribution of races among the schools in the county, which included 29.9% white students, 27.1% Hispanic students, 19.8% Asian students, 14.9% Black students, 8.1% multiracial students, 0.2% American Indian students, and 0.2% Pacific Islander students.

When compared to the previous school year, total public school enrollment in the county dropped 0.4%.

“As a result, many districts in our very own Central Texas region are being forced to cut back on essential programs, services, consider school closures, and adopt deficit budgets just to provide students with the education that they deserve,” Hutto ISD Trustee James Matlock said.

Student Ethnicities in Travis County in 2023-24 School Year
Hispanic [51.7%]White [28.3%]Black [8.4%]Asian [7.3%]Ethnicities <5% [4.3%]
Most Represented Ethnicity in Travis County Schools in 2023-24 School Year

School nameMost prevalent ethnic groupPercent of Total Student BodyTotal enrollment
Adult Transition ServicesWhite60.9%23
Akins High SchoolHispanic79.5%2,542
Allison Elementary SchoolHispanic90.1%374
Alternative Learning CenterHispanic79.4%97
Anderson High SchoolWhite54.6%2,167
Andrews Elementary SchoolHispanic79.2%341
Austin Achieve Elementary SchoolHispanic81.2%903
Austin Achieve High SchoolHispanic92.4%633
Austin Achieve Middle SchoolHispanic92%647
Austin Achieve ParmerHispanic56.7%388
Austin Discovery SchoolWhite65.1%261
Austin High SchoolWhite52.5%2,296
Austin ISD Pre-K Partnership (Pkp)Hispanic63.1%168
Austin OaksWhite54.5%11
Austin State HospitalHispanic37.5%16
Bailey Middle SchoolHispanic44.7%785
Baldwin Elementary SchoolWhite55.9%606
Baranoff Elementary SchoolWhite58.9%834
Barrington Elementary SchoolHispanic87.6%355
Barton Creek Elementary SchoolWhite55.4%536
Barton Hills Elementary SchoolWhite73%304
Basis AustinAsian73.9%211
Basis Austin Primary SchoolAsian80.1%201
Baty Elementary SchoolHispanic83.1%510
Bear Creek Elementary SchoolWhite52.9%582
Becker Elementary SchoolHispanic45.5%492
Bedichek Middle SchoolHispanic84.3%638
Bee Cave Elementary SchoolWhite63.1%826
Bee Cave Middle SchoolWhite66.5%862
Blackshear Elementary SchoolHispanic41.2%226
Blake Manor Elementary SchoolHispanic83.7%393
Blanton Elementary SchoolHispanic43.2%708
Blazier Elementary SchoolHispanic74.6%1,232
Bluebonnet Trail Elementary SchoolHispanic45.3%565
Bohls Middle SchoolHispanic49.7%874
Boone Elementary SchoolHispanic46.5%447
Bowie High SchoolWhite57.5%2,899
Brentwood Elementary SchoolWhite63.4%686
Bridge Point Elementary SchoolWhite70.7%597
Brookhollow Elementary SchoolHispanic40.6%406
Brown Elementary SchoolHispanic79.9%453
Bryker Woods Elementary SchoolWhite68.2%255
Burnet Middle SchoolHispanic91.4%799
Caldwell Elementary SchoolHispanic62.2%540
Campbell Elementary SchoolBlack40%190
Canyon Creek Elementary SchoolWhite39.3%349
Canyon Ridge Middle SchoolWhite61.4%1,050
Canyon Vista Middle SchoolAsian43.5%1,337
Carpenter Elementary SchoolWhite28.2%577
Casey Elementary SchoolHispanic66.3%519
Casis Elementary SchoolWhite75.9%630
Cedar Creek Elementary SchoolWhite61.5%517
Cedars Academy Next Generation High School at HighlandHispanic74.1%112
Cedars International AcademyHispanic83.1%349
Cele Middle SchoolHispanic34.3%753
Chaparral Star AcademyWhite37.2%360
Clayton Elementary SchoolWhite51.3%675
Compass Rose DestinyHispanic59.5%655
Cook Elementary SchoolHispanic90.6%417
Copperfield Elementary SchoolHispanic73%471
Covington Middle SchoolHispanic56.1%599
Cowan Elementary SchoolWhite46.9%546
Creedmoor Elementary SchoolHispanic95%476
Crockett EchsHispanic72.2%1,575
Cunningham Elementary SchoolHispanic56.4%358
Dailey Middle SchoolHispanic78.4%814
Davis Elementary SchoolWhite51.5%653
Dawson Elementary SchoolHispanic71.9%224
Dearing Elementary SchoolHispanic39.2%531
Decker Elementary SchoolHispanic80.3%534
Decker Middle SchoolHispanic65.7%589
Deer Creek Elementary SchoolWhite55.9%651
Del Valle Elementary SchoolHispanic86.3%672
Del Valle High SchoolHispanic85%3,504
Del Valle Middle SchoolHispanic86.6%842
Del Valle Opportunity CenterHispanic86.5%251
Dessau Elementary SchoolHispanic66.8%555
Dessau Middle SchoolHispanic68.5%655
Dobie Middle SchoolHispanic81.4%544
Doss Elementary SchoolWhite56.2%917
Eanes Elementary SchoolWhite62.1%551
Eastside Memorial EchsHispanic76.6%689
Elgin High SchoolHispanic74.9%1,779
Forest Trail Elementary SchoolWhite69.4%546
Four Points Middle SchoolWhite44.7%593
Galindo Elementary SchoolHispanic85.5%449
Garcia YmlaHispanic83%253
Garza Independence High SchoolHispanic45.7%188
Gorzycki Middle SchoolWhite61.4%1,329
Govalle Elementary SchoolHispanic80%370
Graduation Prep Academy NavarroHispanic78.3%69
Graduation Preparatory AcademyHispanic83.7%49
Graham Elementary SchoolHispanic84.7%477
Grandview Hills Elementary SchoolWhite39.1%419
Greenleaf Neurodiversity Community CenterWhite65%20
Guerrero ThompsonHispanic90.2%511
Gullett Elementary SchoolWhite71.3%534
Harmony School of Excellence - AustinHispanic89.6%558
Harmony School of Innovation - AustinHispanic80.1%342
Harmony School of Science - AustinHispanic31.1%456
Harmony Science Academy - AustinHispanic91.1%699
Harmony Science Academy - Cedar ParkAsian52.1%698
Harmony Science Academy-PflugervilleHispanic52.5%795
Harris Elementary SchoolHispanic84.9%358
Hart Elementary SchoolHispanic83.2%555
Helping HandBlack47.6%21
Hendrickson High SchoolHispanic37.4%2,106
Highland Park Elementary SchoolHispanic54.5%668
Highland Park Elementary SchoolWhite72%651
Hill Country Middle SchoolWhite66.2%968
Hill Elementary SchoolWhite58%862
Hillcrest Elementary SchoolHispanic86.6%381
Hornsby-Dunlap Elementary SchoolHispanic65.5%653
Houston Elementary SchoolHispanic89.8%501
Hudson Bend Middle SchoolWhite54.2%840
Idea Bluff Springs AcademyHispanic81.1%597
Idea Bluff Springs College PreparatoryHispanic83%731
Idea Health Professions AcademyHispanic77%265
Idea Health Professions College PreparatoryHispanic78.5%298
Idea Montopolis AcademyHispanic89%679
Idea Montopolis College PreparatoryHispanic91.9%753
Idea Parmer Park AcademyHispanic65.5%658
Idea Parmer Park College PreparatoryHispanic78.9%550
Idea Pflugerville AcademyHispanic65.8%660
Idea Pflugerville College PreparatoryHispanic76.8%583
Idea Round Rock Tech AcademyHispanic50.3%714
Idea Round Rock Tech College PreparatoryHispanic56.8%433
Idea Rundberg AcademyHispanic91.6%682
Idea Rundberg College PreparatoryHispanic94%764
International High SchoolHispanic91.4%210
Joe Lee Johnson Elementary SchoolHispanic35.2%676
John B. Connally High SchoolHispanic65.4%1,817
John P. Ojeda Middle SchoolHispanic86%788
Jollyville Elementary SchoolAsian44.2%608
Jordan Elementary SchoolHispanic64%533
Joseph Gilbert Elementary SchoolHispanic80.5%682
Joslin Elementary SchoolHispanic49.5%291
Jubilee Wells BranchHispanic46.6%429
KIPP Alegria Primary SchoolHispanic80.3%633
KIPP Austin Academy of Arts & LettersHispanic85.1%450
KIPP Austin Beacon PrepHispanic92.4%447
KIPP Austin BraveHispanic94.3%581
KIPP Austin College PrepHispanic93.1%465
KIPP Austin CollegiateHispanic93.8%823
KIPP Austin ComunidadHispanic88%532
KIPP Austin ObrasHispanic89.5%389
KIPP Paseo Preparatory SchoolHispanic90.6%436
KIPP Paseo Primary SchoolHispanic85.6%547
Kathy Caraway Elementary SchoolWhite48.7%452
Kealing Middle SchoolWhite36.6%1,247
Kelly Lane Middle SchoolWhite39.4%950
Kiker Elementary SchoolWhite60.1%796
Kocurek Elementary SchoolHispanic56.8%502
Lago Vista Elementary SchoolWhite56%521
Lago Vista High SchoolWhite64.2%676
Lago Vista Intermediate SchoolWhite67.5%231
Lago Vista Middle SchoolWhite62.4%418
Lagos Elementary SchoolHispanic64.5%575
Lake Pointe Elementary SchoolWhite68.7%757
Lake Travis Elementary SchoolHispanic51%712
Lake Travis High SchoolWhite64.6%3,677
Lake Travis Middle SchoolWhite67.5%895
Lakeway Elementary SchoolWhite72.5%592
Lamar M. SchoolWhite59.6%1,100
Langford Elementary SchoolHispanic91.4%456
Lasa High SchoolWhite43.4%1,518
Laura Welch Bush Elementary SchoolWhite53.1%503
Laurel Mountain Elementary SchoolAsian49.8%811
Lbj EchsHispanic65.9%763
Leadership AcademyHispanic64.3%14
Lee Elementary SchoolWhite64.7%442
Linder Elementary SchoolHispanic81.6%549
Lively Middle SchoolHispanic62.4%948
Magnolia Montessori for AllHispanic47.3%478
Manor Elementary SchoolHispanic61.4%360
Manor Excel AcademyHispanic69.1%123
Manor High SchoolHispanic64.6%2,411
Manor Middle SchoolHispanic65.8%415
Manor New Technology High SchoolHispanic65.9%602
Manor New Technology Middle SchoolHispanic62.4%713
Maplewood Elementary SchoolWhite48%408
Martin Middle SchoolHispanic84.6%240
Mathews Elementary SchoolWhite43.5%347
McBee Elementary SchoolHispanic93.5%368
McCallum High SchoolWhite57.1%1,861
McNeil High SchoolWhite32%2,533
Menchaca Elementary SchoolHispanic62%748
Mendez Middle SchoolHispanic83.7%203
Mills Elementary SchoolWhite59.3%744
Mott Elementary SchoolWhite29.9%632
Murchison Elementary SchoolWhite45.4%698
Murchison Middle SchoolWhite55.1%1,218
Navarro Early College High SchoolHispanic90.8%1,714
Neidig Elementary SchoolHispanic68.4%664
Newton Collins Elementary SchoolHispanic76.4%556
Norman-Sims Elementary SchoolHispanic49.1%275
Northeast Early College High SchoolHispanic83.9%989
Northwest Elementary SchoolHispanic39.1%394
Nyos - Magnolia McCullough CampusWhite34.8%941
Nyos Charter SchoolWhite38.3%786
O. Henry Middle SchoolWhite55.4%691
Oak Hill Elementary SchoolHispanic51.8%650
Oak Meadows Elementary SchoolHispanic81.4%361
Oak Springs Elementary SchoolHispanic57.2%229
Odom Elementary SchoolHispanic89.5%276
Ortega Elementary SchoolHispanic74.6%256
Overton Elementary SchoolHispanic81.2%425
Padron Elementary SchoolHispanic94.5%632
Palm Elementary SchoolHispanic90%329
Paredes Middle SchoolHispanic81%625
Park Crest Middle SchoolHispanic43.5%715
Parmer Lane Elementary SchoolHispanic70.6%449
Patton Elementary SchoolWhite46.4%776
Pecan Springs Elementary SchoolHispanic62.7%292
Perez Elementary SchoolHispanic90.6%448
Pflugerville Elementary SchoolHispanic67.9%405
Pflugerville High SchoolHispanic52.4%1,851
Pflugerville Middle SchoolHispanic59.4%823
Phoenix High SchoolHispanic77.8%45
Pickle Elementary SchoolHispanic91.2%386
Pillow Elementary SchoolHispanic67.1%365
Pioneer Crossing Elementary SchoolHispanic48.1%511
Pleasant Hill Elementary SchoolHispanic81.4%381
Popham Elementary SchoolHispanic84.6%596
Premier High School of PflugervilleHispanic60.8%97
Premier High School-Austin South CampusHispanic62.4%149
Premier High School-Austin Wells BranchHispanic60%110
Presidential Meadows Elementary SchoolHispanic65.3%666
Reilly Elementary SchoolHispanic55.5%357
Richards School for Young Women LeadersHispanic51%907
Ridgetop Elementary SchoolHispanic49.7%354
Riojas Elementary SchoolHispanic46.1%729
River Oaks Elementary SchoolHispanic66.4%443
River Place Elementary SchoolWhite48.9%601
River Ridge Elementary SchoolWhite60.8%423
Rodriguez Elementary SchoolHispanic91.5%388
Rough Hollow Elementary SchoolWhite63.2%751
Rowe Lane Elementary SchoolWhite44.7%828
Ruth Barron Elementary SchoolHispanic73.6%531
Sadler Means YwlaHispanic73.1%346
Sanchez Elementary SchoolHispanic90.8%479
Serene Hills Elementary SchoolWhite72.7%758
Settlement HomeHispanic52%25
Shadowglen Elementary SchoolHispanic61%641
Small Middle SchoolWhite46.5%1,260
Smith Elementary SchoolHispanic85.2%560
Spicewood Elementary SchoolWhite43%681
Springhill Elementary SchoolHispanic74.8%508
St. Elmo Elementary SchoolHispanic69.2%299
Steiner Ranch Elementary SchoolWhite48.9%481
Summitt Elementary SchoolWhite36.6%748
Sunset Valley Elementary SchoolHispanic57.3%447
Texans Can Academy - AustinHispanic81%195
Texas Empowerment AcademyBlack91.3%253
Texas Empowerment Academy ElementaryBlack89.9%178
Texas Preparatory School - Austin CampusBlack59.5%37
The East Austin College Prep at Martin Luther KingHispanic92.5%200
The East Austin College Prep at Southwest KeyHispanic93.9%179
The Excel Center (for Adults)Hispanic61.7%506
The Excel Center for Adults - South AustinHispanic67.9%109
Timmerman Elementary SchoolHispanic41.7%444
Tnc Campus (Texas Neurorehabilitation Center)White82.1%56
Travis County JJAEPHispanic50%2
Travis County JJAEPHispanic60%5
Travis County Juvenile Detention CenterHispanic62.5%40
Travis Early College High SchoolHispanic83.2%1,157
Travis Hts Elementary SchoolHispanic43.7%460
University of Texas Elementary Charter SchoolHispanic62.3%292
University of Texas at Austin High SchoolWhite45.7%788
Uphaus Early Childhood CenterHispanic82.4%278
Valley View Elementary SchoolWhite66.2%290
Valor North AustinWhite52.5%996
Valor South AustinWhite63.2%827
Vandegrift High SchoolWhite58.3%2,522
Vista Academy of Austin-MuellerHispanic41%144
Walnut Creek Elementary SchoolHispanic81.6%537
Wayside Altamira AcademyHispanic84.9%344
Wayside Eden Park AcademyHispanic57.6%271
Wayside Real Learning AcademyHispanic89.8%609
Wayside Sci-Tech Middle and High SchoolHispanic86.9%535
Webb M. SchoolHispanic87.2%532
Weiss High SchoolHispanic44.3%1,989
Wells Branch Elementary SchoolHispanic74.4%633
West Cypress Hills Elementary SchoolWhite74.1%602
West Ridge Middle SchoolWhite57.5%899
Westlake High SchoolWhite62%2,811
Westview Middle SchoolHispanic62.4%687
Widen Elementary SchoolHispanic87.9%406
Wieland Elementary SchoolAsian38.1%394
Wilhelmina Delco Elementary SchoolHispanic82.7%509
Williams Elementary SchoolHispanic75.9%378
Windermere Elementary SchoolHispanic41.3%705
Winn Elementary SchoolHispanic58%307
Wooldridge Elementary SchoolHispanic89.4%454
Wooten Elementary SchoolHispanic89.7%348
Zavala Elementary SchoolHispanic66.8%226
Zilker Elementary SchoolWhite57.8%495


Brookhollow ElementaryGrandview Hills ElementaryPickle ElementaryAlternative Learning CenterSunset Valley ElementarySpringhill ElementaryAndrews ElementaryRosedaleDel Valle Elementary SchoolGalindo ElementaryWeiss High SchoolHarris ElementaryPopham ElementaryWalnut Creek ElementaryGraduation Preparatory AcademyAustin Discovery SchoolOdom ElementaryIdea Parmer Park AcademyNortheast Early College High SchoolWiden ElementaryGullett ElementaryCreedmoor ElementaryLively Middle SchoolAkins High SchoolWells Branch ElementarySt. Elmo ElementaryTravis County Juvenile Detention CenterHighland Park ElementaryDoss Elementary SchoolRiver Place ElementaryNewton Collins ElementaryJollyville ElementaryTexans Can AcademyTnc Campus (texas Neurorehabilitation Center)Mcbee ElementaryMurchison MiddleGovalle ElementaryElgin High SchoolWilliams ElementaryKipp Austin ComunidadBrentwood ElementarySettlement HomeManor Excel AcademyHarmony School of Excellence - AustinUniversity of Texas at Austin High SchoolValor South AustinWestlake High SchoolPark Crest MiddleBurnet Middle SchoolHarmony Science Academy - AustinCele MiddleBee Cave ElementaryValley View ElementaryClayton ElementaryOak Meadows Elementary SchoolKipp Austin Academy of Arts & LettersDawson ElementaryCedars Academy Next Generation High School At HighlandMagnolia Montessori for AllHudson Bend MiddleWindermere ElementaryMcNeil High SchoolBasis AustinKathy Caraway ElementaryHarmony School of Innovation - AustinCovington MiddleGarcia YmlaMcCallum High SchoolGarza Independence High SchoolWayside Altamira AcademyAustin Achieve High SchoolAdult Transition ServicesPresidential Meadows ElementaryLago Vista High SchoolJoslin ElementaryBryker Woods ElementaryHillcrest ElementaryTexas Empowerment Academy ElementaryLago Vista IntermediateHouston ElementaryHill Country MiddleRidgetop ElementaryHornsby-Dunlap ElementaryLee ElementaryIdea Montopolis AcademyHighland Park ElementaryTravis Hts ElementaryDessau MiddlePadron ElementaryWooldridge ElementaryGraham ElementaryShadowglen ElementaryTimmerman ElementaryCook ElementaryHendrickson High SchoolDessau ElementaryIdea Rundberg AcademyCasis ElementaryIdea Bluff Springs AcademyParedes Middle SchoolRiver Oaks ElementaryLagos ElementaryDecker ElementaryKocurek ElementarySerene Hills ElementaryBohls MiddleSanchez ElementaryEanes ElementaryAnderson High SchoolIdea Bluff Springs College PreparatoryCrockett EchsIdea Health Professions College PreparatoryManor MiddleWestview MiddleKealing M. S.Austin Achieve Middle SchoolPerez ElementaryBarton Creek ElementaryBarton Hills ElementaryValor North AustinParmer Lane ElementaryTravis County JjaepGraduation Prep Academy LanierBedichek MiddleJordan ElementaryPremier High School of North AustinSummitt ElementaryDeer Creek ElementaryAustin Achieve Elementary SchoolDearing ElementaryNeidig ElementaryDel Valle Opportunity CenterCedars International AcademyMills ElementaryWest Ridge MiddleMurchison ElementaryDel Valle MiddlePflugerville MiddleBear Creek Elementary SchoolSteiner Ranch ElementaryTexas Preparatory School - Austin CampusGreenleaf Neurodiversity Community CenterDobie MiddleWinn ElementaryAustin High SchoolCanyon Creek ElementaryMaplewood ElementaryWieland ElementaryForest Trail ElementaryKIPP Paseo Preparatory SchoolBaldwin ElementaryRough Hollow ElPremier High School of PflugervilleKipp Austin Connections ElementaryDecker Middle SchoolTravis County J J a E PBowie High SchoolHarmony School of Science - AustinWebb Middle SchoolBarrington ElementarySadler Means YwlaTexas State Executive - State Board of EducationManor ElementaryBaranoff ElementaryJoseph Gilbert ElementaryWooten ElementaryBluebonnet Trail ElementaryLake Travis MiddleWayside Real Learning AcademyNyos - Magnolia McCullough CampusMenchaca Elementary SchoolNorthwest ElementaryFour Points MiddleJoe Lee Johnson ElementaryCunningham ElementaryIdea Round Rock Tech College PreparatoryHarmony Science Academy-PflugervilleDavis ElementaryPecan Springs ElementarySmith ElementaryJohn B. Connally High SchoolZilker ElementaryDelco PriIdea Pflugerville AcademyUphaus Early Childhood CenterHelping HandPillow ElementaryLinder ElementaryCowan ElementaryInternational High SchoolLago Vista MiddleKipp Austin ObrasManor New Technology HighRiver Ridge ElementaryAustin Achieve ParmerCanyon Ridge MiddleTravis Early College High SchoolAllison ElementaryRodriguez ElementaryPremier High School of AustinMott ElementaryIdea Round Rock Tech AcademyIdea Rundberg College PreparatoryAustin ISD Child Development CenterRiojas ElementaryBlackshear ElementaryLaurel Mountain ElementaryGorzycki MiddleBrown ElementaryManor High SchoolBlake Manor Elementary SchoolKIPP Paseo Primary SchoolLakeway ElementaryKelly Lane MiddleJubilee Wells BranchIdea Health Professions AcademyDailey MiddleThe East Austin College Prep At Southwest KeyPflugerville High SchoolKipp Austin BraveOverton ElementarySpicewood ElementaryBlanton ElementaryBoone ElementaryThe East Austin College Prep At MlkPflugerville ElementaryLaura Welch Bush ElementaryPleasant Hill ElementaryMathews ElementaryLangford ElementaryNyos Charter SchoolOak Springs ElementaryThe Excel Center for Adults South AustinKipp Austin Beacon PrepWayside Eden Park AcademyKiker ElementaryKipp Austin College PrepCanyon Vista MiddleMendez MiddleLeadership AcademyCarpenter Elementary SchoolUniversity Of Texas El Charter SchoolMartin MiddleIdea Parmer Park College PreparatoryWayside Sci-Tech Middle And High SchoolSmall Middle SchoolWest Cypress Hills ElementaryNorman ElementaryHarmony Science Academy - Cedar ParkBecker ElementaryReilly ElementaryLake Travis ElementaryOrtega ElementaryVista Academy Of Austin-MuellerPioneer Crossing ElementaryPatton ElementaryHart ElementaryCedar Creek ElementaryRichards SCH for Young Women LeadersCopperfield ElementaryCompass Rose DestinyLake Travis High SchoolBailey Middle SchoolBlazier ElementaryNavarro Early College High SchoolBasis Austin Primary SchoolAustin OaksRowe Lane ElementaryBridge Point ElementaryLago Vista ElementaryCampbell ElementaryManor New Technology MiddleZavala ElementaryEastside Memorial At The Johnston CampusLamar Middle SchoolKipp Austin CollegiateTexas Empowerment AcademyO. Henry MiddlePhoenix High SchoolLbj High SchoolCaldwell ElementaryIdea Montopolis College PreparatoryHill Elementary SchoolPalm Elementary SchoolGuerrero ThompsonLake Pointe ElementaryBee Cave MiddleRuth Barron ElementaryLasa High SchoolCasey ElementaryIdea Pflugerville College PreparatoryThe Excel Center (for Adults)Oak Hill ElementaryJohn P. Ojeda MiddleBaty Elementary School


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