Sunday, December 22, 2024
By Austin News | Dec 31, 2021
Austin tennis player Riley Enloe finished 3,715th in November in the junior Boys’ 12 category of the United States Tennis Association.
Austin tennis player Anthony Li finished 3,608th in November in the junior Boys’ 14 category of the United States Tennis Association.
Derek Iden received $75,968 in compensation during 2020 at Parks and Wildlife Department.
Austin tennis player Haroon Sajid finished 3,666th in November in the junior Boys’ 14 category of the United States Tennis Association.
Eric Taylor received $75,968 in compensation during 2020 at Department of Public Safety.
Austin tennis player Dylan Duke Jr. finished 3,593rd in November in the junior Boys’ 12 category of the United States Tennis Association.
Austin tennis player Ross Cockrell finished 3,589th in November in the junior Boys’ 18 category of the United States Tennis Association.
Austin tennis player Legend Casariego finished 3,567th in November in the junior Boys’ 12 category of the United States Tennis Association.
David Burnett received $75,968 in compensation during 2020 at Department of Public Safety.
Austin tennis player Jacques Micah Carandang finished 3,598th in November in the junior Boys’ 18 category of the United States Tennis Association.
Hector Garza received $75,968 in compensation during 2020 at Department of Public Safety.
Gregory Hendry received $75,968 in compensation during 2020 at Department of Public Safety.
Austin tennis player Nicholas Castillo finished 3,619th in November in the junior Boys’ 16 category of the United States Tennis Association.
Frank Niemiec received $75,968 in compensation during 2020 at Parks and Wildlife Department.
Austin tennis player Elliot Schupack finished 3,554th in November in the junior Boys’ 12 category of the United States Tennis Association.
Austin tennis player Cooper McClure finished 3,652nd in November in the junior Boys’ 16 category of the United States Tennis Association.
Derek Nalls received $75,968 in compensation during 2020 at Parks and Wildlife Department.
Eric Ochoa received $75,968 in compensation during 2020 at Department of Public Safety.
Henry Boykin III received $75,968 in compensation during 2020 at Department of Public Safety.